Showering in chlorinated water is more dangerous than drinking it
Can taking a shower really be dangerous? It may come as a shock, but the very method most people use to keep their bodies clean could be exposing them to unforeseen health risks.
While many people are aware of the dangers of drinking unfiltered water, few consider the risks of showering in unfiltered water. Most people don’t realize that one can absorb up to 8 glasses of water through the skin during a quick 10-minute shower.
Soaking up water in this way is especially dangerous because the chlorine goes directly into your bloodstream. This means you absorb 6 times more chlorine per glass while showering than if you were drinking the same water.
The dangers and risks of chlorine exposure are serious — including, but not limited to…
- Irritation of the eyes, sinuses, throat, and skin
- Aggravation of the lungs
- Excessive free radical formation, which results in accelerated aging
- Hardened arteries
- Difficulty metabolizing cholesterol
- Higher vulnerability to genetic mutation
- Development of cancer
Chlorine causes dandruff, hair breakage and hairloss
Chlorine has an oxidizing effect on human skin because it splits hydrogen from water, causing the release of nascent oxygen and hydrogen chloride. These gas compounds have been scientifically proven to cause tissue damage to our bodies at the molecular level. Chlorine will chemically bond with the protein in our skin and hair, making hair brittle and dry, and causing skin to itch, dry, and age prematurely.
Over 50% of our daily chlorine exposure comes from showering. This is because chlorine is not only absorbed through our skin, but it is also vaporized in the shower and is inhaled into our lungs, and transferred directly into the blood stream.
Chlorinated water leads to skin imperfections and diseases:-
Chlorine not only kills the bad bacteria that can make us sick, but it also kills good bacteria on which our our skin relies. According to Dr. Rona, M.D., chlorinated water destroys most of the intestinal flora--friendly bacteria that help not only with the digestion of food, but with the production of vitamins B12 and K. All of these factors have been shown to result in acne and other skin irritations, including eczema and rashes.
Increases the Risk of Asthma
Drinking chlorine contaminated water and taking bath in chlorinated shower increases the risk of respiratory problems, such as asthma, particularly in children. Unfortunately, in some cities, the concentration of chlorine in tap water is just as high as in swimming pools. This can cause skin irritation in the airways of sensitive people who are already suffering from respiratory issues, especially babies and children. Showering and bathing in chlorinated water can increase the risk of eczema in children. Showering with unfiltered water may also cause the following symptoms:
- Sneezing
- Tightness in chest
- Weak cough
- Mild sore throat
- Increased dryness in throat
- Irritation in nasal passages
It is recommended to invest in high quality shower filter to make drinking water much safer for your children and family.
Increased Risk of Cancer
According to a report on , an independent news organization, chlorine actually promotes the generation of free radicals within the body, and specifically the skin. Free radicals have been shown to cause cancer, as has chlorine. Drinking tap water most has been linked to bladder, breast and bowel cancer; and long-term effects of drinking, bathing and swimming in chlorinated water has been shown to cause malignant melanoma, otherwise known as skin cancer.
Over the years, researchers have found that people who are exposed to chlorinated water over long periods of time, have a greater risk of contracting bladder cancer. Several links have been found between chlorinated drinking water and colorectal cancer but we need more research to confirm such links. Studies have also indicated that by products created in the process of chlorine disinfection also increase the risk of cancer. The following by-products play an integral role in causing cancer in laboratory animals:
- Haloacetic acids (HAAs)
- Trihalomethane (THMs)
Premature Aging
Most anti-aging products contain antioxidants to help fight and kill free radicals within the skin as they have been shown to result in premature aging such as fine lines. Free radicals increase toxicity, which can also aid in general skin irritations such as acne and rashes. Several studies showed chlorinated water to promote the aging process, similar to the effects of extended exposure to the sun.
Hazardous for Your Children’s Health
According to different studies, drinking and long-term exposure to chlorinated water can potentially increase the risks asthmatic attacks particularly in children who do not have improved airway systems. In other studies, rodents that were exposed to chloramines and chlorine developed tumors in their intestines and kidneys. If exposed to the skin, chlorine contaminated water can cause irritation and burn the skin as well.